Archive 2022

7 Essential Benefits of Oil Change with the Right Oil Change Kits

When choosing the most suitable oil change kits for your car, it is important to pick the proper oil for specific engine use. If you are planning to change the oil of your everyday car, make sure to choose the oil with a higher TBN (total base number) than the oil of a car used for racing.

Race cars require oil with a higher viscosity than the oil in everyday cars. Oils with high viscosity can resist heat better, and race cars are often exposed to high heat.

Changing the oil of your car regularly, which means not missing a schedule for an oil change, can help protect your car’s engine and make it render its services for a long time.

The oil change kit usually contains:

– Engine Oil

Make sure to choose the right engine oil viscosity and quantity as stated in your owner’s manual.

– Disposable Funnel

Since the majority of funnels look the same, it is advisable to use a disposable funnel when changing the oil. When you use the same funnel whenever you change the oil of your car, the oil residue from the last oil change may contaminate the new lubricant in the engine. It may cause significant damage.

– Oil Filter

Make sure that the oil filter is high-grade that complies with the requirements of the original equipment manufacturer (OEM).

– Crush Washer

It is important to use the correct size of the crush washer to avoid the possible problem.

– Oil Change Sticker

It is where you will jot down the mileage and date as a reference for your next oil change schedule.

Take note of the following advantages of changing the oil of your car regularly and reap the benefits.

1. Maintain the Cleanliness of the Engine

It is important to maintain the schedule of oil and filter changes to avoid the build-up of sludge. Having different intervals of oil change may cause debris build up and bring problems later.

2. Protect the Environment and Pass the Emission Test at the Same Time

Dirty oil contributes to hydrocarbon buildup, which can affect the outcome of your emission test. When these hydrocarbons burned up and are released into the air through your vehicle’s exhaust, expect it to pollute the air. To avoid this dreadful event from happening, it is best to stick to the schedule of the oil change.

3. Gain a Better Engine Performance

Your engine gets cleaned each time you change the oil. You can expect enhanced engine performance when you do it regularly.

4. Gain Better Gas Mileage

Clean oil can help reduce friction in the engine and allow your car to run more efficiently to achieve the optimum gas mileage.

5. Give Your Engine an Extended Life

Changing the oil of your car regularly is good for your engine. A clean engine can enjoy an extended life.

6. Provide Protection to the Other Parts of the Engine

Your main engine is not the only one that will benefit from a regular oil change. Even the other engine parts will also enjoy such benefits since they don’t need to work twice or thrice as hard when the oil is dirty.

7. Save Money in the Long Run

In the long run, you will be able to save money since you may be able to avoid possible engine overhauls. The proper maintenance and care that you give your car can contribute a lot to its performance.

Keep in mind to always choose the oil change kits carefully to gain the immense benefits that regular oil changes can provide.… Read the rest

Why California’s New Sick Leave Law is Good for Workers

California’s new sick leave law, which went into effect January 1, 2015, allows workers to accrue up to 72 hours of paid sick leave per year if they work at least 30 days in the state within a year’s time period. This new law gives many more workers access to paid sick leave that they might not have had before, and helps them get back on their feet when illness strikes. Here are some benefits of california sick leave labor law that are good for workers and their families.

All full-time employees earn paid sick days

All full-time employees in California will now earn paid sick days, thanks to a new law that went into effect on July 1, 2015. This means that workers can take time off from work to care for themselves or a family member without worrying about losing income. Employers are not required to pay out accrued sick leave until an employee leaves the company and requests payment for their unused accrued leave.

Small businesses are protected

The new law exempts businesses with 25 or fewer employees from having to provide paid sick days. This means that these businesses are still required to provide unpaid sick days, but they don’t have to pay their employees for taking them. This is a big relief for small businesses, who often operate on tight budgets. The costs associated with paying an employee when they’re not at work can be devastating. Smaller companies also have more difficulty budgeting and ensuring they’ll have enough money to cover payroll each month, and being unable to do so can lead to bankruptcy.

Employers are allowed flexibility in how they offer paid sick days

The final law gives employers in California some flexibility when offering paid sick days to their employees. Under these new rules, a business can offer no paid leave at all or can let its workers accrue one hour of paid time off for every 30 hours worked.

The new law creates a fund dedicated to enforcing the act

The Labor Enforcement and Recovery Fund will be used to hire additional inspectors to ensure that workers are receiving the proper amount of sick leave, as well as to investigate complaints. This will help ensure that employees are not taken advantage of, and that they receive the full benefit of the new law. Additionally, the fund will be used to provide training and education on the new law to employers and employees alike.


California’s new sick leave law goes into effect on July 1, 2015, and it is a huge victory for workers. The law requires all employers in the state to provide employees with at least three days of paid sick leave per year. This is a major step forward in ensuring that workers have the time they need to recover from illness without having to worry about losing their job or income.… Read the rest

Healing From Cipro Toxicity

As humans, we are not so separate from the planet we inhabit. Our bodies, like their larger celestial vessels, pass through different seasons and experience the impact of changes in climate, circumstance, and dis-ease. When sickness arises in the body, we’ve long been instructed to seek allopathic medicinal cures, which often come in the form of antibiotic drugs. Whilst these drugs can serve a function in attacking bacterial infection, they somewhat paradoxically can leave the body sicker as a whole. Just as we are coming to accept that the survival of our climate requires immediate attention in reducing the level of toxins in our atmosphere, on a microcosmic level, so too do our bodies require healing from an overload of polluting and harmful substances,

The risks and side effects associated with certain antibiotic use are the subject of ongoing research. In particular, fluoroquinolone class antibiotics, of which the drug ciprofloxacin, or cipro, is one, have been identified by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as posing a risk of serious and potentially permanent side effects involving tendons, muscles, joints, and the central nervous system. Regenerative Medicine LA founder and board certified internal medicine physician, Dr. Mark Ghalili DO, experienced first hand these devastating side effects, after an extreme adverse reaction to cipro left him confined to a wheelchair, Dr. Ghalili established his LA clinic to provide the same alternative and regenerative medicine treatments that helped cure his own cipro toxicity.

Common symptoms of cipro toxicity in the body are varied but can include pain, anxiety, fatigue, weight loss, fibromyalgia, peripheral neuropathy, depression, and disability. Regenerative medicine aims to target these symptoms and restore balance to the body and its systems. Using an integrated approach to bringing health back to the body, regenerative medicine treatments may include a combination of stem cell therapy, IV therapy, vitamin and dietary supplementation, and other holistic approaches.

Stem cell therapy works by harvesting adult mesenchymal stem cells from a patient’s adipose tissue, or fat, and re-introducing them into the body via IV infusion or joint injection. Stem cell therapy mobilizes the inherent characteristic of these cells towards self-replication and differentiation, stimulating tissue growth and providing pain relief.

Intravenous, or IV, therapy, is another treatment used to address cipro toxicity. It involves the delivery of medication and nutrition directly into the bloodstream via an IV drip, replenishing mitochondria, the powerhouses behind many of our cells biological processes, with key essential vitamins and nutrients, IV therapy is usually prescribed in conjunction with custom supplementation for a lasting effect.

If you’re concerned about the impact that recent or frequent cipro or other fluroquinolone use may have had on your body, it may be time to reach out beyond the traditional. Contact a regenerative medicine specialist to embrace the galaxy of healing potential inherent inside yourself.… Read the rest